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Dress Code

Xavier Middle School, as a private educational institution, reserves the right to determine and insist upon a norm of appearance for its students. The goal of the dress code is to promote the virtues of modesty and self-respect, as well as to create an atmosphere that is appropriate to the serious task of educating young people. Students are expected to dress in a manner that indicates they understand the difference between being dressed for a day at school or being dressed for a recreational/social activity outside of school time.

If a dress code violation cannot be immediately corrected, the parents will be notified and the student will either be sent home to change or will wait in the office for appropriate clothing to be delivered. The student may serve reflection rooms for any time missed. Honor marks may be given for dress code violations such as skirt length that can be corrected without changing.

The following guidelines do not cover every possible situation. Questionable attire will be referred to an administrator for arbitration. Since styles of clothing and hair change rapidly, the administration is open to discussions with the student body regarding the dress code policy. In addition, the administration also reserves the right to restrict fashions that are inappropriate as well as interpret what is considered to be in poor taste or distracting to the learning environment.

Uniform dress code
Shirts A collared shirt, button down, or polo style is required. Shirts must be long enough so that at no time, for example lifting the arms, the midriff is showing. Logos or designs may be no larger than an index card in size. Official Xavier spirit wear polo shirts are allowed. Shirts may be worn in solid colors, red (as the color in the American flag), white, navy blue, black, or gray. Shirts may be short or long sleeves; sleeveless shirts are not allowed. A solid T-shirt may be worn under the polo, and it needs to be red, white, navy blue, black, or gray. Turtlenecks may be worn in place of a shirt, the same colors as above.

Fleece Jackets &

Cardigans, fleece, V-neck, crew-neck, sweater vests, quarter zip or full zip pullovers may be worn in solid colors, red (as the color on the American flag), white, navy blue, black, tan/beige (khaki color) or gray over a school dress code shirt. The sweaters and sweatshirts need to be solid in color (mostly solid), and the sweaters can have hoods. Logos or designs should be no larger than an index card in size. Xavier logo crew neck, front zip pullovers, or fleece may also be worn in place of a sweater. Only Xavier merchandise may vary from the colors of red, white, navy blue, black, tan/beige, or gray. Xavier T-shirts and long-sleeved T-shirts are not permitted as pullovers. Coats and outerwear may not be worn in the classroom.
Dress Pants Dress pants colors may be navy blue, black, brown, or khaki. No jeans, cargo, or carpenter pants are allowed. Also not allowed are frayed hems, faded pants, pants with holes, leggings, and yoga pants. Excessively tight pants will not be allowed.
Shorts & Skirts Shorts and skirts may be worn in the months of August, September, October, May, and June. Skirts may be worn in the winter months with solid-color tights underneath. Solid colors of shorts and skirts may be navy blue, black, brown, and khaki. Walking shorts (dress shorts) with pockets and cargo style are acceptable. Capris are an acceptable
option. Length must be mid-thigh and shorts and skirts must extend beyond the fingertips when arms are held straight down at the sides.
Shoes & Socks Everyday shoes must have a closed heel and closed toe. The heel, including a platform , cannot be more than 1”. Designs and colors need to be appropriate for a school setting. Winter boots and boots rising above mid-calf are not allowed however ugg type and short bootie styles of shoes with a hard sole are permitted. Students are required to wear socks with their shoes.
Hair Hair must be clean, neatly combed, out of the eyes, and of reasonable style and natural shade. Sideburns must not be below the bottom of the ear. Males must be clean-shaven.
Casual Dress
(non-dress code days)
Casual dress is defined as a non-dress code. Acceptable shirts are t-shirts, jerseys, sweatshirts, etc. No sleeveless shirts, crop tops, or tank tops are allowed unless worn with a sleeved shirt. Undergarments may not be visible. Acceptable bottoms are jeans, cargo pants, sweatpants, and athletic shorts. Yoga pants, leggings, pajama pants, and jeggings are not allowed. Shorts may only be worn in August, September, October, May, and June. The skirt and short length must be mid-thigh which means the garment extends beyond the fingertips when arms are held at the sides. Shoes must have a closed toe but clogs/crocs are permitted during casual dress days. The heel, including a platform, cannot be more than 1”. Clothing must be neat and in good repair. No holes, extreme, extravagant, sloppy, or immodest clothing is allowed. Jeans and pants cannot have rips even if there is material beneath the rip. All clothing must be appropriate for a Catholic school setting.
Jewelry Females may wear earrings. Body piercing, other than the ear, is not allowed.

Visible tattoos, torn/frayed clothing, outerwear, hats, caps, bandanas, head scarves, yoga pants, leggings, and jeggings. Clothing with inappropriate messages that include words or symbols about alcohol, drugs, tobacco, or sex as well as any other messages that are not in agreement with Catholic teachings are not permitted at school or any school-sponsored event.

Reviewed and Updated - July 2024


Download a copy of the 2024-2025 Dress Code.

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