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Leave a Legacy

Throughout the history of Catholic education in Appleton and the Fox Cities, many individuals have made the important decision to leave a lasting legacy to Xavier with a planned gift. These gifts represent a special dedication to Xavier and each individual demonstrated their commitment to the future through gifts that support our mission, change lives, and continue a tradition of excellence.  By setting aside a place for Xavier in your future giving, you honor the impact that Xavier Catholic Schools has made in your life. Whether you are a parent, alumnus/a, faculty member, or friend, you can share a priceless gift with future generations.

A legacy gift is one of the most personal gifts you can make and an extraordinary opportunity for you to honor a loved one, an inspiring teacher or coach, or a field of study that impacted your life. Our Advancement Office would be pleased to work with you to ensure that your legacy is used in a way that honors your passions and areas of interest.

Membership in the Xavier “Legacy Circle” is entirely voluntary, and there is no immediate gift, minimum gift level, or minimum age required to be a member. By joining, you become part of the Xavier legacy and inspire others to support our students, families, and staff with future gifts.

For more information, contact Dave Romenesko at or at (920) 735-9380 ext. 5507.

The following individuals have made the decision to join our Xavier Legacy Circle

Eileen* and Jerry* Auer
Melvin E.* & R. Virginia Bartelt*
Mike and Karen Bendel
Robert* and Mary* Bodoh
Kathleen Curry-Wagner*
Tom and JoAnne Dolata
Ralph Dorn '63
Deacon Ray DuBois
Thomas B. '63 & Rita (Sachs) Engel '63*
Margaret Bekkers and Thomas Feavel '62*
Michael Flanagan '62
Hector and Delia Gonzalez
Doug and Sue Hahn H'13
Bob Hayes '71 and Sue Hayes
Dr. Pete and Lynlee Hehli
Michael Heideman* '66 and Sallie Kranhold Heideman '66
Glenn Higgins '73 and Anne Salm Higgins '77
Mary Jagdfeld Hlaban '64
Mark Hoffmann '80 and Kerry Kampf Hoffmann '80
Judith Keller '63
R.L. Konz
Lawrence Konz '68 and Charley Konz
Tom and Meg Lauterbach
David and Patricia Lee
Greg and Meg Linnemanstons
Kevin and Elizabeth Lonergan
Brian and Jeanne Martens
Ted and Kathy Menge

Paul Meyer '85 and Kate Myers Meyer '85
Mary Beth Nienhaus
Dave and Kim O'Brien
Neil and Lisa Pfaff
Lyle and Christine Richter
Don* and Barbara Romenesko
Merton* and Genevieve* Schulz
Richard Schwab '63
Douglas Simon '87 and Renee Simon
Sarah Simon '86
Rollie Stephenson and Sue Femal Stephenson '66
Kevin and Tammy Stini
Greg Strick '93 and Elizabeth Welch Strick '93
Steve and Sue Taylor H'14
Mark Towsley '66*
Kathleen Arens Uecker '69
Ralph* and Adeline* Ulman
Paul Utrie and Robin Goldsmith-Utrie
David Van Hoof and Tari Peerenboom Van Hoof '73
Francis* and Josephine* Van Lieshout H'00
David Van Lieshout '64 and Connie Van Lieshout
Robin and Terry Van Zeeland
Ben* and Priscilla Vanden Heuvel
Clarence* and Dolores* Wallace H'93
Brian Wallace '86 and Catherine Colling Wallace '88
Jim Weiland and Ellen Barry Weiland '71
Robert and Becky Weiske
Timothy and Camille Welch
Joe Welch '84 and Debby Van Schyndel Welch '84
Paul and Judy Werner H'01

* = Deceased
H’ = Honorary alumni

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