Xavier Foundation

The St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System Foundation is the steward of approximately $9 million of endowed funds that support St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System. The Foundation is responsible for overseeing the investment, administration and distribution of over 100 donor established funds.
The growth of the foundation is an important component of the long term financial health of Xavier Catholic Schools. The funds within the foundation provide a valuable annual revenue stream to the system for areas such as: tuition assistance, operational funding, staff support, fine arts, athletics, and facilities maintenance. With the introduction and increase of funding from the Wisconsin Parental Choice Program, and with additional scholarship funds made available through donors and outside foundations, the Xavier Foundation feels that funding for scholarships and tuition assistance is strong and that the opportunity to receive a Xavier education is more accessible than ever.
The Foundation feels that now is the time to focus and concentrate on securing long-term resources to support the following areas:
- Support for Faculty and Staff- Securing the resources necessary to ensure that Xavier is attracting and maintaining quality teachers and staff is our system’s number one priority. This entails offering competitive salary and benefit packages and giving staff the necessary resources of time, classroom support, and other assistance so that they may focus on teaching and making sure that each child is valued.
- Academics and Technology- The challenge Xavier faces in the future is to create relevant learning experiences that mirror students’ daily lives and the reality of their future. Learning can no longer be confined to the years we spend in school or the hours we spend in the classroom: it must be lifelong and available on demand.
- Capital Improvements- Enhancing our facilities will increase our potential. When you take the passion and knowledge of the Xavier Staff, relevant learning experiences, and empower it with the most up-to-date facilities, it leads to advancement that our community has not seen.
Donor gifts of any dollar amount are accepted toward any of the 100 existing funds within the Foundation. Donors may establish a new named fund or a fund in honor or memory of someone they wish to commemorate with a gift of $10,000 or greater. In addition, with a gift of $25,000 or greater a donor may establish a donor directed fund which allows more specific criteria to be applied to the annual distributions of that type of named fund.
Establishing a named fund or simply making a gift to an existing fund can be done in many different manners including but not limited to:
- Gift of Cash
- Gift of Securities
- Gift of Personal Property
- Bequest in your will or trust document
- Gift of Life Insurance
- Gift of Retirement Assets
- Gift of Real Estate
- Charitable Remainder Unitrust
- Charity Gift Annuity
While many named funds are established with a one-time event/gift at the $10,000 or greater level they also can be established via a pledge over a several year time frame that will build the fund to the $10,000 named fund level.
Gifts to the Foundation should be directed as follows:
St. Francis Xavier Catholic School System Foundation, Inc.
1600 W Prospect Avenue
Appleton WI 54914
David Adamovich Athletic Fund
Kathy Bates Athletics Fund
Mike Pfefferle Memorial Fund
Torchy Clark
Capital Improvement/Maintenance
Xavier Catholic Schools Foundation Capital Improvement Fund
Xavier Middle School Building Maintenance
Fine Arts
Robert and Mary Bodoh XHS Music Fund
Fine Arts Spark Fund, in honor of Elizabeth Wiltzius
David Stanek Xavier Theatre Fund
Bassett & Thrivent Empowerment Through Education Fund
Helen "Sis" Balliet Memorial Fund
Herbert & Elva Dorn K-12 Support Fund
Qastin Family Fund
Xavier Catholic Schools Foundation Fund
Xavier High School General Operations
Teacher/Staff Support
Jeremy Janssen Memorial Fund
Xavier Catholic Schools Staff Development Fund
Xavier Elementary Teacher Appreciation Fund
Xavier High School Teachers Fund
Tuition Assistance/ Scholarships
Deacon James & Helen K. Asmuth Scholarship
Waltera Bekkers Memorial Scholarship
Berg Family Scholarship
Agnes M. Biese Memorial Scholarship Fund
Rocky Bleier Scholarship
John & Evelyn Blick Memorial Scholarship
Fritz & Peg Brei Memorial Scholarship
John, Mary, Alice and Elsa Breitenbach Scholarship
Edward and Margaret Brill Scholarship
Margaret J. Brill Scholarship
Merlin and Joan Brunner Scholarship
Lori Dolata Bultman Memorial Scholarship
Catholic Club Scholarship Fund
J. Joseph & Rosemary Cummings Memorial Scholarship Fund
Dr. James Curry Memorial Scholarship
Ken & Marie Day/Hilda Kitzinger Memorial Scholarship
Margaret DeJonge Memorial Scholarship
Anna Donnermeyer Memorial Scholarship
Herbert & Elva Dorn Scholarship
Herbert & Elva Dorn K-8 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Robert, Sr. & Jacqueline Drexler Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Charles F. Dungar Memorial Scholarship
Ronald and Yvette Dunlap Scholarship Fund
Expanding Opportunities Scholarship
Josephine Feavel Family Scholarship
Thomas and Beulah Flanagan Scholarship Fund
Fox Valley Health Professions Scholarship
Joseph & Marguerite Frahm Memorial Scholarship
Lawrence & Arlene Gage Scholarship
Tuition Assistance/ Scholarships (continued)
Jo (Perry) Gear Memorial Scholarship
Raymond P Georgen Memorial Scholarship
Ivo & Mary Geurts Scholarship
Sena L. Gray Memorial Scholarship
Bob & Sue Hayes Family Scholarship
Bill and Mimi Hodgkiss Scholarship
Jude Hoffmann and Lisa Kampf Memorial Scholarship
David L. Hussey Memorial Scholarship
Maureen Hussey Memorial Scholarship
Father Orville Janssen Memorial Scholarship
Joe & Jane Kaufman Scholarship
Klister/Livengood Scholarship
Anne M. Konz Scholarship
Anna Leitermann Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Leo Mack, Jr. Scholarship
Phyllis S. Lorek Memorial Scholarship Fund
Martin Family Endowed Fund
St. Mary's School / Catholic Central Legacy Scholarship Fund
Thomas Meehl Memorial Scholarship
Ralph & Ethel Moehring Scholarship: Supporting Excellence in Leadership
Ralph Moehring Memorial Scholarship
Nienhaus Scholarship Fund
Fr. Michael K. O'Rourke Education Scholarship
Dennis Oudenhoven Memorial Scholarship
Edward & Loretta Pfefferle Memorial Scholarship
John & Lynn Pfefferle Scholarship Fund
Lawrence & Jeannette Piette Scholarship
Qastin Family Fund
Rudolf Family Scholarship
Peg and Bernard Rutten Scholarship
William and Margery Stilp Scholarship
Joan M Streck Memorial Scholarship Fund
Opal & Elmer Vanden Boogard Scholarship
Steven P. Van Hoof Memorial Scholarship
Josephine and Dr. Francis Van Lieshout Scholarship Fund
Jeffrey Van Lieshout Scholarship
Arnie VandenBoomen Scholarship
Van Schyndel Family Fund
Voissem Family Scholarship
Marv & Jayne Voissem Scholarship
Eunice Vosters Family Memorial Scholarship
Brian and Catherine Wallace Family Scholarship Fund
Clarence E Wallace & Dolores Lynch Wallace Fund
Dolores Lynch Wallace Scholarship Fund
The Weiske Family Volunteer Scholarship Fund
Paul & Judy Werner Scholarship
Bradley Williams Memorial Scholarship
Mary Williamson Memorial Scholarship
Gladys Wisnefski Memorial Scholarship Fund
The Worachek Family Entrepreneurism College Scholarship Fund
Xavier Catholic Schools Foundation General Scholarship Fund
Xavier High School Memorial Scholarship
Xavier Public Access Scholarship
Fr. John Zickert Memorial Scholarship
Gus & Helen Zuehlke Family Scholarship
Reverend Donald M. Zuleger Scholarship
For more information, contact Dave Romenesko at dromenesko@xaviercatholicschools.org or at 920-735-9380 ext. 5507.

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