Elementary School
The Xavier Elementary band program inspires and prepares our students to realize their potential and enhance their global community. The study of music fosters artistic development, critical thinking, intellectual curiosity, and the pursuit of life-long learning. Through performing and responding to music, all students develop individual skills, realize a sense of belonging, and establish connections to the community.
Band Teacher
Middle School
Through student dedication and hard work, the Xavier Middle School band program has a rich history of producing outstanding student musicians. XMS bands have consistently received top ratings at festivals, with students routinely being selected into honors ensembles at the local and state levels. Along their exciting journey students grow in their musical skills, while forming friendships that last a lifetime. Enrollment is open to students with any level of musical experience.
The 5th Grade Band Program at XMS meets for two 40 minute full band rehearsals each week. Students receive individual lessons weekly during the school day. Our 5th Grade band students perform at our winter and spring concerts each year, They also.participate in the annual Solo and Ensemble Competition. We study from the Standard of Excellence method book. We are excited to welcome our current 4th Grade band students to join us at XMS. Any students wishing to start a band instrument in 5th Grade are more than welcome. We do however strongly encourage them to take summer lessons. Please contact the 5th grade band instructor for details.
The 6th Grade Band Program at XMS meets for three 40 minute full band rehearsals each week. Students receive individual lessons weekly during the school day. Band students perform at our winter and spring concerts each year, They also participate in the annual Solo and Ensemble Competition. They also participate in one Pep Band performance with the Xavier High School Band. Second semester students are given the option of participating in the Jazz Ensemble. This group meets two times each week outside the school day. We study from the Standard of Excellence method book. Music programs like Smart Music and are also used to supplement our musicians' learning. Any students wishing to start a band instrument in 6th Grade are more than welcome. We do however strongly encourage them to take summer lessons. Please contact the 6th grade band instructor for details.
The 7th Grade Band rehearsals are 40 minutes in length and held three days per week. Students receive individual lessons weekly during the school day. Students participate in band festivals, solo ensemble recitals and festivals, winter and spring concerts. Students participate in one Pep Band performance with the Xavier High School Band. They will also participate in our annual System band concert. This combined concert includes all band members from grades 5 - 12. Second semester students are given the option of participating in Jazz Band. Each quarter students are given a variety of music theory and listening assignments. Computer programs such as Smart Music and various iPad apps are used to evaluate and drill music skills.
The 8th Grade Band rehearsals are 40 minutes in length and held three days per week. Students receive individual lessons weekly during the school day. Students participate in band festivals, solo ensemble recitals and festivals, winter and spring concerts. 8 th grade band students participate in one Pep Band performance with the Xavier High School Band and also participate in our annual System band concert. This combined concert includes all band members from grades 5 - 12. Second semester students are given the option of participating in Jazz Band. Each quarter students are given a variety of music theory and listening assignments. Computer programs such as Smart Music and various iPad apps are used to evaluate and drill music skills.

Band Teacher
High School
At Xavier High School, we believe that a great band program develops the physical, mental, and musical gifts of our students. As a member of the Xavier High School Band, you will be surrounded by friends before classes even begin. Our "band family" will provide a valuable support system throughout your high school career and create life-long friendships.
Sophomores and older are allowed to audition for entrance into Wind Ensemble as this year long course builds on the skills and musicianship developed in Concert Band. Students perform in concerts, solo and ensemble activities, chamber groups, music festivals, assemblies, parades, athletic events, musicals and special events. It is expected that each student will continue his/her individual progress by participating in a regular private and/or school lesson program. The ensemble literature studied in this advance ensemble demands a high level of technical skill, musicianship and leadership from every member.
Concert Band is a year-long course which focuses on the development of music fundamentals and concepts of musicianship. Students perform in concerts, solo and ensemble activities, music festivals, assemblies, parades, at athletic events, musicals and special events. Each student will take regular private and/or small group lessons with the band director.
These ensembles provide instruction in the idiom of jazz which includes but is not limited to the study of: the blues, salsa, mambo, tango, bossa nova, bebop, hard bop, rhythm and blues, funk, funk-rock, ECM, the shuffle, big band dance, ballads, and swing. The ultimate goal of both ensembles is to give students an opportunity to study and perform high quality jazz ensemble literature and to teach students the basics of improvisation within the jazz idiom.
Jazz I curriculum is comprised of the traditional jazz band instrumentation including: trumpets, trombones, saxophones, and rhythm section (drums, aux/vibes, bass, guitar, piano). Participation in Jazz I will be determined by audition in the spring at the end of the previous year. For nearly all players, enrollment in either Concert Band or Wind Ensemble is required in order to participate in Jazz I. Exceptions for rhythm section are made at the director’s discretion. This traditional instrumentation is preferred in Jazz II as well, though exceptions can be made. Students are encouraged to learn a second “jazz instrument” for Jazz II; lessons for this will be happily provided as well as the instrument itself, depending on availability. Jazz II is co-curricular and participation in Jazz II is open and encouraged for all students – no previous jazz experience is required!
Pep Band plays arrangements of classic pop and rock hits, old and new, at select home football and home basketball games. Participation is required for all members of the band program. Students earn points toward their academic letter for each pep band.
Membership in Marching Band is required of all band members enrolled in Concert Band and Wind Ensemble. The XHS Marching Band meets August through October and is primarily led by two student leaders (the drum majors) who are chosen in the spring.
Comprised of three days of rehearsals to put the homecoming halftime show together, band camp students will:
- Learn and practice the fundamentals of music and movement
- Learn music and drill for the show that Xavier students select, design and arrange
- School song and pre-game/pep band music
Color Guard is an integral part of the Xavier Marching Band. Color Guard provides the color to the homecoming show and parades. Through dancing, flag work and the use of other equipment, the guard is responsible for the stylization and “selling” of the overall theme of the show. Students who are interested in dance, choreography, and movement are encouraged to audition for color guard. Participation is for band students of at least Sophomore year or older. The school will provide all flags, flag poles and basic uniforms.
- Band Scholar Program
- 2020 Fine Arts Trip, Los Angeles (past trips: New York, Disney World)
- Solo & Ensemble (District and State)

Band Teacher / XHS Boys Head Tennis Coach
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