Xavier Elementary School
The St. Francis Xavier Elementary general music program offers students an opportunity to explore and experience the world of music through singing, playing instruments, performing, listening, creating and through the use of music literacy, music history and movement. With each piece of music and activity students are able to learn and experience different aspects of music – rhythm, pitch, melody, timbre and form. We also explore musical instruments, genres, eras and the works of famous composers. Our goal in general music is to create in our students a lifelong love, understanding and appreciation of music.
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Xavier Middle School
Involvement in the choir program at Xavier Middle School provides avenues and opportunities for artistic expression, and the discovery of hidden talents. Our program promotes self-confidence, individual growth, and leadership among our students. Life lessons, such as leadership and teamwork are taught along with providing a strong sense of community.
6th Grade Choir meets as a full group twice a week and once each week for a small group lesson. Lessons are scheduled based on the student’s academic schedule. Sight-singing skills, music notation, parts singing, and proper vocal technique are developed. Students will also explore and perform music of various styles. Performances include several concerts each year, Mass music, and a Solo/Ensemble performance in March.
7th Grade Choir meets three times each week for large group rehearsal and once each week in a small group session. Lesson time is used to enhance the overall vocal technique and repertoire. Sight-singing skills, music notation, parts singing, and proper vocal techniques are further developed. In addition, students will learn about composers and musicians of varied genres, and careers in music. Performances include several concerts each year, Mass music, and a Solo/Ensemble performance in March.
8th Grade Choir meets three times each week for large group rehearsal and once each week in an individual or small group session. Lesson time is used to enhance the overall vocal technique and repertoire. Sight-singing skills, music notation, vocal independence, parts-singing, and proper vocal technique are further developed throughout the school year. Students will explore the many composers and musicians of varied genres, and careers in the music industry. Performances include several concerts each year, Mass music, and a Solo/Ensemble performance in March.
Choir Teacher
Anna Van Eperen is in her twelfth year as a choral music educator in the Xavier System....
Xavier High School
In the choir room, students will learn not simply to sing and to sing well, but they learn to grow together with their fellow choristers to become a cohesive group of musicians. Students will come to understand the background of the pieces they sign, theoretical concepts within the music, and information about the style and composer. Singing in a choir will also provide an excellent experience in supportive learning, as the very nature of singing is one of expression, creativity, energy, and cooperation. Everyone in the choir is given the opportunity to stand among a group of people and make music. Every student has the chance to be a musician and be a part of something beautiful.
Our Ensembles
Concert Choir is Xavier High School's flagship choral ensemble. Consisting of students in grades 9-12, students will sing music from a variety of styles and time periods. In addition to singing three main concerts each year, the Concert Choir will have the opportunity to perform at various other concerts and events throughout the year.
HawkSwing is Xavier’s auditioned, top-level vocal ensemble. The group performs music of the musical theatre, pop, and vocal jazz genres. In addition to singing at the three main concerts each year, HawkSwing sings at KaBoom, their biggest performance of the year. They also do a Christmas caroling tour and make visits to the other Xavier schools.
This is the first in the series of music theory courses. The course studies music notation and its creation and is essential to all students wanting to study music after high school. It is a great class for any students wanting to know more about music and is especially helpful to those also enrolled in a music ensemble class, piano lessons, or guitar lessons.
This course is an exploration of the various areas of fine arts, most notably music, visual art, and theatre. Students will receive an overview of these topics in order to be better consumers of and participators in art throughout life. There will be a focus on smaller projects in different areas of the arts.

Choir Teacher
Anna Van Eperen is in her twelfth year as a choral music educator in the Xavier System....

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