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Youth Apprenticeships

General Information

Youth Apprenticeship allows you to earn credits and gain on-the-job experience while you get paid.  It is also a good thing to have on your resume.  Current juniors can enroll in this program this winter and begin working this spring or summer.  Here are the basics:

  • This information sheet helps explain the program. 
  • Here is a link to the February 1 Online Information Night Webinar.
  • Apply on the YA website - January to March 1.
  • Apprenticeships are available in a number of fields, for college-bound and non-college-bound students.
  • If hired, the student works at least 450 hours over the course of 12 months.  Work can begin as early as Spring.
  • The employer pays the student and offers additional career exploration, job shadowing, and in-depth training.  That’s the “apprenticeship” part.
  • The student takes one high school course associated with their chosen apprenticeship.
  • It is possible to do a Youth Apprenticeship through your current employer.

Talk to your counselor if you are interested in Youth Apprenticeships.  

Youth Apprenticeship Process

1. Submit a YA Application – January to March 1 here.

  • Why? It gets your application in the system for employers seeking to hire.
  • What’s Important? A correct email address and phone number, proper capitalization and spelling, inclusion of information of interest to the employer, attaching a resume.

2. Next Phase – March through September

  • Watch for email communications from YA Coordinator (Jamie Brown) Resources will be shared about employers who are hiring. Some have additional applications with a strong DEADLINE!
  • Contact employers using resources provided, your own contacts, or job posting websites to find job opportunities of interest.
  • Answer ALL emails and phone calls from employers.

3. Schedule Interviews

  • Prepare for your interviews–reach out for help if needed!
  • Inform the YA coordinator when you’ve accepted a job offer and watch for emails on next steps.

Your student's school counselor, as well as Mr. Parish, can answer general questions, and we can connect you to our YA representative if you have more detailed questions.

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