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Meet Lady, our therapy dog!

We are blessed to have Lady on the staff of Xavier High School. Her furry face makes our days so much brighter! And there are many benefits to having a therapy dog at school, including:

  • Physical benefits
    Interaction with therapy dogs has been shown to reduce blood pressure, provide physical stimulation, and assist with pain management.
  • Social benefits
    Therapy dogs help promote greater self-esteem and focused interaction with others.
  • Cognitive benefits
    It has been empirically proven that therapy dogs stimulate memory and problem-solving skills.
  • Emotional and mental health benefits
    Therapy dogs can lift moods, often provoking laughter. They offer friendship and a shoulder to lean on for students and staff alike.

(from the Alliance of Therapy Dogs website)

therapy dog

Upcoming Events

March 26

1/2 Day Exams

All Day Event

March 26

Math Bowl

12:00 PM - 3:00 PM

March 27

1/2 Day Exams

All Day Event

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