Student Support - XHS Counseling Department
The Xavier School Counseling Department encourages each student to understand his/her unique abilities and tries to foster the growth of the individual. Growth - socially, educationally and personally - causes stress. The School Counseling Department assists the student in coping with the stresses of adolescence. We also encourage each student to formulate educational and career goals and help him/her make steps to reach those goals. The Xavier School Counseling Department is based on the Wisconsin Comprehensive School Counseling Model and the American School Counseling Association National Model, with specific implementation developed as a cohort of school counselors across the Diocese of Green Bay.
Scroll down on this page for current news for students and parents. Use the menu to the right to find quick links to popular resources, as well as a variety of information prepared by this department.
If You Need Immediate Assistance
- Calumet County Crisis Hotline - 1.833.620.2730 / After hours: 920.832.4646
- Outagamie County Crisis Hotline - 920.832.4646
- Winnebago County Crisis Hotline - 920.233.7707
- Text "Hopeline" to 741741
- Lifeline Chat
- National Suicide Prevention & Crisis Hotline - call 988
- Sexual Assault Crisis Center (now joined with Harbor House) - Crisis Line 1.800.722.7797 or 920.733.8119
- Disaster Distress Helpline - 1.800.985.5990 or text TALKWITHUS to 66746
Quick Links
News from the Counseling Department
AP Tests
Sign up for the AP Tests for the 2024-2025 school year closed on November 15, 2024. Please see your counselor if you have questions.

Senior Parent Night 2024
Senior Parent Night was held September 11th in the Xavier Theatre. If you were unable to attend, you can find the materials shared on the Year By Year page.

Big Changes to the ACT
On July 15th, ACT made an announcement about upcoming changes. This CollegeWise article will step you through what you need to know. Contact your counselor if you have questions!
The Wisconsin Guarantee
The Wisconsin Guarantee offers guaranteed admission to all Universities of Wisconsin (UW) universities for all who qualify. First-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 10% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 90th percentile ranking or higher, or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist will be guaranteed to all UW universities except UW-Madison.
Additionally, first-year applicants from Wisconsin high schools who are in the top 5% of their class at the end of 11th grade, or Wisconsin residents who are homeschooled and receive an ACT score in the national 98th percentile ranking or higher or are a National Merit Scholarship finalist will be guaranteed admission to UW-Madison provided that they apply on or before the Early Action deadline.
How does the Wisconsin Guarantee differ from Direct Admit WI or traditional applications? View the chart available on this page: And if you have questions, please contact your counselor.

Driver Education Grant Program
The State of WI Department of Transportation is offering a Driver Education Grant Program for students who qualify for free/reduced lunch. Costs for classroom and behind-the-wheel driver training for a regular driver license can be paid for through this program. Get more information and apply online here.

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