Clubs & Activities
What: We are a community of creative minds working and sharing ideas as we explore and develop our individual projects. Guidance from an art instructor is provided.You are given the opportunity to explore ideas and grow as an artist in a positive uplifting environment.
When: Weekly on Tuesdays from 3:00 - 4:00 pm
Who: Anyone interested in art
Fun Fact: We are going to Greece in June, 2025. While there we will explore famous works of art. You don't need to be in an art class to join the Art Club.
Moderator: Mrs. Balthazor
What: Designed for those who love to read, Book Club meets monthly to discuss a group read as chosen by members of the club. A variety of genres of fiction is typically represented in a given year.
When: Weekly or bi-weekly
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: Every once in a while we read Harry Potter!
Moderator: Mrs. Eisch-Groebner
What: Compete against other schools in the fabulous sport of bowling! This is both an individual and a team competition.
When: November - March
Who: All are welcome.
Fun Fact: The Bowling Team has some of Xavier’s most loved uniforms.
Moderator: Mr. Dennis Kim
What: Students compete at local and state levels of the Wisconsin Civics Games. The club aims to promote civics education and encourage Xavier students to develop an interest in public service. The club is non-partisan and offers students the opportunity to explore various institutions within government.
When: Students meet monthly and independently prepare for the Wisconsin Civics Games held every April.
Who: Anyone interested in learning more about civics, the Wisconsin government, and being an engaged citizen. Students will select teams of 4 eligible players to compete.
Fun Fact: In our first year competing, Xavier HS advanced to the state finals of the Wisconsin Civics Games in 2024.
Moderator: Mrs. Jones
What: A club to develop your writing skills, brainstorm ideas, and share your writing.
When: Fridays @ X or whenever club members decide.
Who: Anyone interested in writing!
Fun Fact: Creative Writing Club hopes to have published authors come in and speak to club members or anyone else interested!
Moderator: Ms. Magalska
What: Bring environmental awareness to students and to give students options to take an active role in activities to help the environment and pay it forward environmentally to future generations.
When: Monthly
Who: Anyone can join!
Fun Fact: An entire classroom of plastic bags were recycled by Environmental Club in 2022.
Moderator: Mrs. Roarty
What: A competitive speech, interpretation and debate team. Get over your fear of public speaking, improve your academic standing, and use your voice to change the world. Build a network of friends and competitors that you’ll have for the rest of your life!
When: Prep in Nov/Dec, compete Jan through April
Who: Everyone!
Fun Fact: The Xavier Forensics Team has won team or individual trophies in every competition it entered for the past three seasons.
Moderator: Mrs. Julie Michels
What: FBLA is a nationally recognized organization for future business leaders. Students compete at local, state, and national levels in over 50 different business-related events.
When: Students meet monthly and independently prepare for their events and test. Runs Nov - July.
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: We travel all over the state and country competing at State/Nationals.
Moderator: Mrs. Kelly Carter
What: International Club brings together our international students and their American friends to share more about cultures and build relationships.
When: Monthly during lunch
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: Each April, International Club hosts an International Dinner in which students bring cuisine from their home countries and then everyone is invited to stay for a dance / talent show.
Moderator: Mr. Parish
Description: Kairos is a time to understand that our roots begin in Christ. If those roots are strong we will experience and share His love. Kairos is a time for all retreatants to be transformed by Christ’s love.
Kairos means “the Lord’s time,” as opposed to Chronos, “our time.” The Kairos Retreat began at Xavier High School over a decade ago and has become an amazing part of the junior/senior year experience for retreatants. Kairos is an opportunity for juniors and seniors to pause before they become an adult. For seniors are facing the next year where many are headed to a different place, a different city and meeting new people. Kairos is an opportunity to leave their high school career on a positive note where they can really assess their relationship with God. For junior attendees, the retreat has become a staple of spiritual formation as well. The goal is to leave the stresses, all the responsibilities of school, life, sports, friends, and just learn about themselves and their relationship with God.
Part of the Kairos allure is not telling the retreatants the daily schedule, or even revealing much about the Kairos experience itself, other than that it is one of prayer, reflection, camaraderie and learning more about one’s classmates outside the confines of a schedule normally packed with homework, exams, sports, clubs and all the stresses of being high school student.
Moderator: Mrs. McGreevey
What: Show off your math skills by competing against students from other schools in the Fox Valley Math League
When: Once per month on Monday evenings
Who: Anyone who likes math!
Fun Fact: Xavier has the defending Math League champion in the junior / senior division!
Moderators: Mrs. Heimerl and Mr. Handevidt
What: A courtroom simulation competition. This is a great group for future judges and lawyers, but also people who enjoy enhancing their critical thinking skills.
When: November through March
Who: Grades 9 through 12 with auditions
Fun Fact: The Xavier Mock Trial Team has advanced to State 20 of the past 24 seasons and won 4 state championships!
Moderator: Pending Volunteer Needed
What: An Honors Society
When: Year round
Who: Sophomores through Seniors who qualify are invited to join.
Fun Fact: We do lots of tutoring and it “looks great on a college app!”
Moderator: Mrs. McGreevey
What: The group that makes Prom happen. Help to design the decorations, pick the theme, select the menu, and make Prom a night to remember!
When: Planning starts during 3rd term
Who: Juniors and Seniors
Fun Fact: Prom has become so popular at Xavier that it actually sold out this year!
Moderator: Mrs. Hammen
What: A group of students interested in topics in psychology who meet to discuss research, topics in the field, and consider the work of modern psychologists.
When: Monthly
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: Psychology Club originated entirely as a student-run group before becoming an officially-recognized Xavier club.
Moderator: Mrs. Birr-Zimmer
What: Grow your science knowledge with fun experiments that reach beyond the classroom.
When: Monthly
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: Science Club members are encouraged to to independent research or suggest experiments for the club.
Moderator: Mrs. Dumke
What: A club for students who want to get out in winter and ski the hills in the Upper Penninsula.
When: January and February - Spring Break
Who: Any students who want to join--experienced or not--lessons can be taken.
Fun Fact: It is just a great way to get away with your friends for a weekend.
Moderator: Mr. Biesterveld
What: A group of students dedicated to learning more about Spanish cultures by visiting restaurants, watching movies,and attending cultural events.
When: Throughout the year.
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: The Salsa Tasting Contest is one of the highlights of the winter!
Moderator: Dr. Kempen and Mrs. Nelson
What: A year-round opportunity that provides over 200+ programmed S&C sessions. As Xavier’s largest club, there are many days where a quarter of our students can be found in the weight room after school.
When: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays
Who: All high school and middle school students.
Fun Fact or Why Join: Besides making friends and memories, and becoming a better person and athlete, you will have a chance to become part of the elite "The X Factor" club, and the St. Sebastian Strength & Conditioning Scholars
Moderator: Mr. Strand
What: Leadership team of 11th & 12th graders students who welcome incoming freshman and international students. Student Ambassadors lead school events, give tours, and much more!
When: All year - Training in August
Who: Juniors and Seniors - By application
Fun Fact: Learn new things to love about Xavier every day!
What: Student leaders help to shape the future of Xavier, plan events such as Homecoming Week and Blue and White Week, and communicate opportunities to the Xavier student body.
When: All year.
Who: Freshmen - Seniors are welcome to join us as voting members at our meetings.
Fun Fact: In the last 24 months, Student Council has approved 9 new student clubs and introduced a new dance, the Winter Gala.
What: Participate on stage or behind the scenes(crew) in one of several shows we put on each year. Fall/Spring Musical, Radio plays, Valentine’s Show, Childrens’ Theatre etc.
When: Several times each year
Who: Anyone, stage roles by audition
Fun Fact: Make friends, find your people, get involved, learn to communicate.
Moderator: Mr. Romenesko
What: The trap shooting team competes with other schools in shooting trap. All safety regulations are strictly enforced.
When: March - May.
Who: All Xavier students can be a part of the team with proper safety training.
Fun Fact: This is only the second year of the Trap Shooting Team at Xavier!
Moderator: Mr. Keith Boye
What: A competition based on designing a robot to compete in a yearly game, then programming and driving the robot in competition.
When: December - April
Who: Anyone!
Fun Fact: Xavier robots have won 5 of the past 6 state championships and qualified for both the US Open and the World Championships every year!
Moderator: Mr. Robert Bires
What: A group designed for students devoted to learning Spanish/French/German language and culture.
When: Students can join at the end of your second year of Spanish.
Who: Anyone in Spanish/French/German 2-4 with a high enough GPA and who has done a few extra cultural activities to earn points.
Fun Fact: Your membership shows dedication of time and effort to learning language and culture...looks great on a resumé… and if you are in Honor Society for 3 years (end of sophomore year - senior year). You get a special cord to wear at graduation!
Moderator: World Language Faculty
What: Dedicated to defending the sacredness of human life. Its purpose is to promote respect for innocent human life from conception to natural death. Club members do this through education, prayer, outreach, and service.
When: Meeting days and times are set by club leaders at the beginning of the school year. There are many opportunities for involvement throughout the year.
Who: Everyone!
Fun Fact: Students also have the opportunity to attend the March for Life in Washington DC in January.
Moderator: Ms. Wesolek
What: Service Club offers a way to enjoy helping others in the community and to gain Service Hours needed for graduation.
When: We meet monthly as a large group, and several times throughout the year in smaller settings.
Who: Anyone who is interested in helping others in the school or community.
Fun Fact: We serve at places such as Brewster Village, Pillars, Outagamie County Social Services, and organize the annual Halloween Party and Homeless Vigil.
Moderator: Ms. Chris Magalska and Mrs. Victoria Hodgkiss
Club Description: XAC welcomes any student-athlete participating in any level of XHS athletics (including club, unified, and intramurals) to live, grow, and lead with their faith in the athletic arena. XAC provides a platform for student-athletes to gather in community and grow together in their faith. Through prayer and faith-filled discussions, students dive into relevant topics in their high school experience and reflect in prayer. XAC is a Christian sports ministry that focuses on developing balance in academic, faith, and athletic lives to build community. XAC meets during all sport seasons to coordinate and participate in social, spiritual, and service activities.
Moderator: Mrs. Geenen

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