Instructional Aide
4th Grade Teacher
Care Program
Campus Secretary
Care Program
Learning Services
Director of Learning Services
Hello, my name is Natalie Fuller, and I am the Director of Learning Services for the St...
Instructional Aide
Instructional Aide
Learning Services
Care Program Manager
PE Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
Instructional Aide
4th Grade Teacher
PK3 Teacher
2nd Grade Teacher
Orchestra Teacher
Instructional Aide
2nd Grade Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Instructional Aide
4K Teacher (AM); English Language Learners (ELL) Teacher (PM)
4K Teacher
Band Teacher
Art Teacher
Kindergarten Teacher
Speech & Language
Library/Media Center
Music Teacher
School Counselor
Educational Technology Coordinator
Principal XE McDonald
My name is Alena Tapelt and I have the privilege and honor of serving as principal at X...
Instructional Aide
Instructional Aide
1st Grade Teacher
1st Grade Teacher
3rd Grade Teacher
Care Program
Instructional Aide
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