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Alumni Giving

Alumni Class ChllengeWe are pleased to announce the winner for 2023-2024 is the class of 1999 with 13.27% participation!

Xavier Catholic Schools would like to thank all alumni who made a contribution to the St. Francis Xavier Fund and Xavier Foundation. Your support is key in helping to carry on the tradition of excellence that is Xavier Catholic Schools. We appreciate your generosity!

New year, new opportunity!Alumni Class Chllenge Final

The 2024-2025 Alumni Class Challenge is in full swing!

The winning class will receive special recognition in the annual report issue of X, the Xavier Magazine, their name on a legacy brick prominently located at Xavier High School, and a special memento for all participants of the winning class. More important, any alumni donor will have the satisfaction of knowing that their gift, no matter what the size, your contribution impacts the next generation of Xavier graduates.

To make a gift, please visit our Giving page.

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